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Abraham Hicks 17 Seconds Manifesting Rampage


Today I want to do a rampage about the Abraham Hicks 17 seconds. I am going to start my creative workshop with a quote from one of my favorite books ever. Money and the law of attraction by Esther Hicks. If you have never heard of Abraham then you can read about Esther/Abraham and who they are here.

“So, whatever you think causes you to offer a signal now, which is your point of attraction. And when you offer a point of attraction for as little as 17 seconds, the law of attraction kicks in. In other words that’s the combustion point where another thought that matches it joins in. Hold that thought for another 17 seconds and there’s another combustion”.

“Do that until you have achieved a vibrational alignment with any thought for as little as 68 seconds and things begin to move enough that a discerning eye can see the manifestation has begun”.

My Own 17 Seconds Have Gone By

Wow, I love this quote. And the best thing, as I typed it up I was absorbing every single word, and it took thought. Focussing my thought on the positive words I was writing, meant I was holding positive thoughts for at least 17 seconds.

How long is 17 seconds? Let’s count it out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17…

That is such a short time to hold onto positive thoughts. I love the fact that once you hit that 17 seconds mark more positive thoughts come to join in.

When I write my blurbs each day, I am letting the positive words simply flow through my fingers via the keyboard or a pen. The thoughts just keep on coming, and I write them down.

This is a perfect example of an Abraham Hicks 17 seconds rampage.

Anyone can do this. Just get a pen, get your feelings in the right direction and write. Or if you are more of an image type of person then hold that thought, and use your visualization skills. Just for 17 seconds. Such a tiny amount of time.

68 seconds. Well, that is just over 1 minute. Again such a tiny amount of time. So when I type or write for 15 to 20 minutes a day in my blurbs, then I am piling on one positive thought after another and another.

I am seeing my manifestations unfolding bit by bit in front of me. I’m in no rush.

The key is to enjoy what I already have manifested, and then this sets me up in a perfect position to manifest more of what I am wanting.

I love to plan my life out.

Last night I was reading a fantastic book, and it got me thinking more about my recent past. Where have my thoughts been? Positive and happy. I honestly cannot think of the last day I had a negative emotion. Not a real long one, that I’ve given any focus too. Just odd little fleeting ones. These are the ones that have just simply been guiding me towards what I want, instead of what I don’t.

I sat and really gave thought to where I am. I also gave thought to what I have been desiring in the past. Many of these things have already come to fruition. However, some are in disguise.

In other words, they are coming together but the details are not quite right yet. I am looking at another place to call home. I love my place and love living here, however, it’s not where my desire really lies. It’s coming through. I know it so I am happy enjoying what I already have.

How long to type that out? I don’t know but I do know it was much longer than 17 seconds. Longer than 68 seconds, so thank you law of attraction again.

I would recommend to anyone interested in creating their own life to get writing and getting more than 68 seconds worth of pure positive thought straight as it comes to you, down on paper.

Just 17 seconds of focused thought

How many times during one day could I purposefully hold a thought for 17 seconds, and another 17 seconds?

When I pop to the bathroom, am making a cup of coffee, preparing dinner, driving.

I think all day long apart from when I am meditating, and I know that 95% of the thoughts and feelings I have are positive ones. I know I am on the right path and in alignment with my inner being.

I am purposefully going to try it out tonight when I take my doggie for his walk. I am going to focus on that thing that makes me feel really happy. That’s easy for me at the moment I have to say.

I can remember walking from my flat many years ago to the bingo hall. It took me about half an hour to get there. That day I had been reading a book that had boosted my positive thinking and got me thinking about making my own luck.

So whilst getting ready and on my walk, I started a little chant in my head.

Simple and sweet. Believe me, I had a great walk, chanting in time to my steps. I reached there buzzing and refreshed from the walk. Then I let go!

I had held that thought over and over most of the way there, only slowing at the car park. Once I got with friends, my focus switched to simply having fun during the evening.

I had full faith

Yes, you guessed it. I didn’t just win the once, but a couple of times, and came out with a lovely tidy sum that evening.

It can be done. That evening, I had no doubts. I just went for the fun of the evening. Fun plus well over the Abraham Hicks 17 seconds and the 68 seconds of positive affirming. I was set up to be a winner that night and it worked.

Anyone can do it. It’s just refocusing on something that feels better. If it feels better then you are onto a winner. This means the thought is more positive than the last one. Once you have it, then hold it. Forget the Abraham Hicks 17 seconds rule. You can hold it for much longer than that.

And as 17 and 68 seconds are so powerful, just think about what you can create for yourself.

Excited, ready, buzzing, and full of joy and anticipation. This is how I am feeling now.

Can it get any better? Well yes as I felt great when I started writing today and now… well I am way up there in alignment and buzzing.

Thank you law of attraction, inner being, and the universe.

We’ve got this!

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